Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Week Fifteen

This morning I finished editting our YSAA facility tour movie.  It turned out great.  I have never really used movie maker because there has always been a movie making star in my groups.  I realized it isn't that hard to work the movie maker software and that with a little work you can make anything look great!  After graduating, I could use movie maker in the work place.  I could use it to create movies of just about anything.  Check out the movie at

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Week 14

This week YSAA met to begin the process of editing our facility tour.  The clips saved to our jump drive for some reason will not play.  To fix this next week we decided we would meet with someone from library technical support.  Hopefully by this time next week will be able to show off our movie!  Have a great weekend!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Week Thirteen

This week is just a short week here at Lock Haven.  Today we started filming a YSAA video.  The video will be like a facility tour for one of our regions.  It is the first time we have all been together in a group for over a month.  The filming went well and we are planning to meet again next Monday to edit and finalize our video. 

I hope everyone enjoys their break and has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Week 12

RIP Kim Bentley
Youre friendship and smile will never be forgotten. 
We love you!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Week 11

After editing and making our YSAA video better than ever, we uploaded it to youtube.  Creating my third photostory 3 movie was much easier than I thought it would ever be.  I spent fifteen minutes changing and adding slides and put it together.  I am proud of Brittany and I's work and I wish every other assignment we have still left to do in this tschnology class would be that easy.  The youtube link is or just watch it here!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week 10

This week, I finished up both my individual and collaborative Photo Story.  After doing my individual first, I found it much easier to make the YSAA video.  After creating everything on Microsoft Power Point, I had to individually save every slide.  This took forever. I tried to save them all at once, but I ended up not being able to find them anywhere so I went back to saving each slide.  I am happy with the finished product though.  I never thought something like this would be so easy to make and look so good.  Here is my individual video.  If you would like to check out the YSAA video visit our collaborative blog at

Also this week, I worked on data bases and spread sheets.  I was very intimidated before starting this project because I have never used Microsoft Excel.  I thought it was going to be a terrible experience trying to create all kinds of spread sheets and form letters.  Actually once I got the hang of it, I thought it was pretty easy.  The software pretty much does all the work by itself.  All you need to do is plug information into the cells.  I can see how this would be very helpful when working for an organization or a business.  You could spend forever typing out letters to each athlete and cutting and pasting their information.  If you would like to see all I have created on Excel, follow my link called "My Excel Experience" on my website at

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Week 9

So far this week has been pretty easy work.  We split up tasks in my group to complete the assignments.  I was back to working on the newsletter and I am proud to say it is finally done.  After figuring out that pages are located in the bottom left corner, I flew through the work!   Here is the finished product!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week Eight

This week will be very busy for me.  On Wednesday, I will be flying out to Phoenix, Arizona to compete in my first wrestling tournament of the season.  This being said, I decided to start working on this week's EDTF homework.  Tonight, I spent a couple hours working on Microsoft Publisher to create my team organization's newsletter.  I love using the templates provided by publisher, but sometimes I wish there wasn't so many options and things to click on.  I am confused on how to create multiple pages of my newsletter without deleting everything I just worked on.  So far this is what I have created for my newsletter.  I am happy with what I created, I just wish I could figure out the page thing to finish it!

Have a great weekend wherever you are!  I can't wait for the heat of Arizona!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Week Seven

This week in EDTF class, we worked on hyperlinking both websites and documents to our websites.  We created another website for each of the technology experiences we have had.  For example, we created a website just for our experience Microsoft Publisher.  On this site we linked our resume, brochure, flyer, business card, and award certificate as both a PDF file and a document on publisher.  We also created pictures of each document and added them to the publisher experience so viewers are able to look at what we have created before attempting to print it out. 
The only assignment due this week was our individual presentation proposal for our dream organization.  We described our dream organization and then listed all the different types of technology we have learned to use in our EDTF class.  Along with the list was examples of how our dream organization would be able to use the technology.  Looking back after completing this list, I realized just how much we have learned in this class.  You can look at my hyperlink abilities by viewing my website at

Friday, October 8, 2010

Week 6

This has been a busy week in our EDTF class.  We spent Monday working on Microsoft Publisher to create business cards, resumes, and award certificates.  At first I thought it would be hard to create these projects, but thankfully Publisher has many great templates to make things easy for you.  All we had to do was select the template we liked and then insert our information.  It was simple and fast to complete.  Below you can see my business card.  Also, while you're looking at my website check out my new photostory!  If you would like to see all I created feel free to visit my website at

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Week Five

This week in my technology class, we learned how to use Google Docs and create booklets on Microsoft Word.  Google Docs is free program that allows you to share your ideas with others and allow them to add input without creating the many copies of the same document.  Instead of emailing your friend or coworker, you can upload the word document, presentation, spread sheet or whatever it may be and work on it together.  I also made a booklet this week.  In it was information about my group organization Youth Sports Across America and autobiographies created by my group members.  The YSAA mission and goals were stated and we created a concept map.  For our autobiographies, we each included our name, hometown, major, activities, clubs, or sports we participate in at LHU, our sport philosophy, dream job, and a picture.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Week Four

It is only Monday, but we are already working hard in EDTF class.  Today, I finished my WebQuest!  This is a big relief because I felt like it was such a big project to take on by myself.  I struggled both creatively and technologically to get everything working, but I am very proud of the finished product.  You can check it out at:
Today, I finished up my WebQuest.  I had to create a teachers page that would help guide them through the project.  It was much easier to create this page than the student page.  I think it helped that I actually understood what I was doing this time! I managed to only take about forty-five minuetes apposed to about three hours on the student page.  I think that that is proof in itself how much we're learning in this class.  You can check out the teacher page at
Also, this week in my Sport Media class we had our first press conference for our fantasy football teams.  My franchise is the San Diego Firebirds.  We worked hard on our logo so I figured I would post it here so you can look at it and our flyer!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Week 3

This week in our EDTF class we started group work.  Our group seems to be off the an amazing start .  We created a sport organization called Youth Sports Across America.  Our organization is modeled like the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU).  We differ from AAU in many ways though.  Our organization takes an active role in the lives of its participants, we have mandated grade point averages and community services hours.  We serve athletes ages 6-21 in any sport or level of skill.  
Also, this week I learned how to create my own web page and WebQuest.  I struggled at first learning how to use the technology and make it look nice and neat.  I think for now I have a handle on what we're learning.  I am excited to see what all I can do in this class!  The link to my web site is posted below.  Have a great weekend and good luck LHU Volleyball!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Week Two

This week in our EDTF class we learned to put together concept maps using Inspiration Software.  I made two concept maps one of my life and the other of my dream organization.  Concept maps allow us to create, organize, and clarify our thoughts and ideas.  By using a concept map, we can show relationships and give the ideas meaning through pictures.   
The concept map of my life shows the basic shell of me.  I chose to split my life into two main categories: Lock Haven University and my home in Ohio. Also linked to me are a few of my likes and qualities. At Lock Haven University, I do more than just study. I am a member of the women’s wrestling team and the Haven Crazies. Also, I enjoy spending time with my friends’ just relaxing and enjoying life. Back home in Ohio, I live on a farm. The most important things to me at home are my family and friends. I included my hobbies as well; sports and taking care of animals.

My dream organization is USA Women's Wrestling Organization.  I pulled ideas and philosophies from many different organizations to create my own.  The concept map only includes the fundamental ideas.  My map depicts how USA Women’s Wrestling Organization will impact those involved in the organization. USA W.W. can improve both the athletic career and quality of life to their athletes. Both of these are linked to opportunity provided by wrestling. Athletes through practice can learn to become better wrestlers and more technically advanced. Indirectly they are learning life lessons and good citizenship. The teammates, coaches, and competition they are surrounded by can become their closest friends. As seen from above, USA Women’s Wrestling is offering its’ athletes more than just a practice in the sport.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Assignment One

My name is Emma Randall.  I am currently a junior at Lock Haven University studying Sport Administration.  I love my major because it will allow me to pursue my passion for sport long after my athletic career ends.   Since third grade I have been chasing the Olympic dream in women's wrestling.  I compete across the nation for Lock Haven against some of the best competitors in the world.  After graduation from LHU, I want to coach women's wrestling on the collegiate level.  As a head coach, I hope to use the experiences and knowledge I have gained throughout my career to allow others to reach their dreams and goals both in athletics and academics.
I have little experience when it comes to technology.  Many of the projects listed on our syllabus, I have no idea what they even are.  This being said however, I am capable of learning new things and I am excited to test my skills in this class.  Thankfully, I am comfortable around technology.  Although I may not be able to do something the first time, I am a fast learner. 
I am glad this course is a blend of face to face and online class.  I would not have taken this class if it had been strictly online.  I have had two blended classes of both online and face to face class time. I have had one both fall semesters previous (Sociology and Honors Nutrition). I do not like online classes because I need to be able to talk to my professor regularly if I am struggling with a concept.  Also, I feel online classes are harder because there is no set period of time to do the work.  It is a good thing that the work can be done anytime you want to do it, but what if you don't want to do it?  Choosing when and how you want to do your work is both the best and the worst part of online classes.