Friday, September 10, 2010

Week Two

This week in our EDTF class we learned to put together concept maps using Inspiration Software.  I made two concept maps one of my life and the other of my dream organization.  Concept maps allow us to create, organize, and clarify our thoughts and ideas.  By using a concept map, we can show relationships and give the ideas meaning through pictures.   
The concept map of my life shows the basic shell of me.  I chose to split my life into two main categories: Lock Haven University and my home in Ohio. Also linked to me are a few of my likes and qualities. At Lock Haven University, I do more than just study. I am a member of the women’s wrestling team and the Haven Crazies. Also, I enjoy spending time with my friends’ just relaxing and enjoying life. Back home in Ohio, I live on a farm. The most important things to me at home are my family and friends. I included my hobbies as well; sports and taking care of animals.

My dream organization is USA Women's Wrestling Organization.  I pulled ideas and philosophies from many different organizations to create my own.  The concept map only includes the fundamental ideas.  My map depicts how USA Women’s Wrestling Organization will impact those involved in the organization. USA W.W. can improve both the athletic career and quality of life to their athletes. Both of these are linked to opportunity provided by wrestling. Athletes through practice can learn to become better wrestlers and more technically advanced. Indirectly they are learning life lessons and good citizenship. The teammates, coaches, and competition they are surrounded by can become their closest friends. As seen from above, USA Women’s Wrestling is offering its’ athletes more than just a practice in the sport.

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