Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Week 9

So far this week has been pretty easy work.  We split up tasks in my group to complete the assignments.  I was back to working on the newsletter and I am proud to say it is finally done.  After figuring out that pages are located in the bottom left corner, I flew through the work!   Here is the finished product!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week Eight

This week will be very busy for me.  On Wednesday, I will be flying out to Phoenix, Arizona to compete in my first wrestling tournament of the season.  This being said, I decided to start working on this week's EDTF homework.  Tonight, I spent a couple hours working on Microsoft Publisher to create my team organization's newsletter.  I love using the templates provided by publisher, but sometimes I wish there wasn't so many options and things to click on.  I am confused on how to create multiple pages of my newsletter without deleting everything I just worked on.  So far this is what I have created for my newsletter.  I am happy with what I created, I just wish I could figure out the page thing to finish it!

Have a great weekend wherever you are!  I can't wait for the heat of Arizona!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Week Seven

This week in EDTF class, we worked on hyperlinking both websites and documents to our websites.  We created another website for each of the technology experiences we have had.  For example, we created a website just for our experience Microsoft Publisher.  On this site we linked our resume, brochure, flyer, business card, and award certificate as both a PDF file and a document on publisher.  We also created pictures of each document and added them to the publisher experience so viewers are able to look at what we have created before attempting to print it out. 
The only assignment due this week was our individual presentation proposal for our dream organization.  We described our dream organization and then listed all the different types of technology we have learned to use in our EDTF class.  Along with the list was examples of how our dream organization would be able to use the technology.  Looking back after completing this list, I realized just how much we have learned in this class.  You can look at my hyperlink abilities by viewing my website at

Friday, October 8, 2010

Week 6

This has been a busy week in our EDTF class.  We spent Monday working on Microsoft Publisher to create business cards, resumes, and award certificates.  At first I thought it would be hard to create these projects, but thankfully Publisher has many great templates to make things easy for you.  All we had to do was select the template we liked and then insert our information.  It was simple and fast to complete.  Below you can see my business card.  Also, while you're looking at my website check out my new photostory!  If you would like to see all I created feel free to visit my website at